The Importance of a Wedding Video

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Category: Advice and Tips

Tags: From Couples

The importance of a wedding video cannot be underestimated.

“I had my wedding video taped in 1992. My father passed away a few years later, and this is the only footage that I have of him. My father gave a very touching speech at my wedding, which still reduces me to tears. So kind and so loving. A treasure that is priceless to me. Though I do have many photographs, there is nothing like hearing the sound of his voice…..especially as time has a way of erasing. I do not have any film of my mother and can no longer remember her mannerisms or the sound of her voice. It makes me sad as she left this earth when I was only 22. It all goes by in a blink, and for me, the video has become a precious gift. Richie and I watch it every year on our anniversary.”
Christie Girouard, Justice of the Peace

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