Meg On Being a “Solopreneur” at POSH Retreat

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Category: Filmmaker Education

Tags: POSH Retreat


I love continuing education! The POSH Retreat is one of my favorite ways to connect with other wedding filmmakers from around the globe. This was the fifth POSH event and the second time it was held in Cancun. Every year it pushes me creatively and professionally and I truly value the time I have with these ladies.

I was excited to lead a”round table” discussion on being a Solopreneur, as many of us do own and operate our businesses alone. Of course we have help filming each event, but the nuts and bolts of our business are run “solo.”  I also lead a multi day film review for all the participants, where we provided “three likes and a wish” after watching each others films. It was a good collaboration to provide positive feedback and also constructive tips on how to improve. This was the second year we did the film reviews.

If you are a filmmaker stumbling upon my website, I urge you to set aside money in your professional development budget for education, whether that is regionally or nationally. If you need help finding a workshop in your area, don’t hesitate to reach out.


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